Tuesday, October 12

Jeremy Lynch vs. Cristiano Ronaldo

Some sick juggling moves

Sand Art

This woman is unworldly talented. She must have been a boss in the sandbox back in the day. If you haven't seen this before, you must.

Guy Avoids Bus

PlayStation 3

This new PlayStation 3 technology is insane... and their advertising campaign is even better.

Wednesday, October 6

Weak Clothes Jokes

Banned Commercial

It's about noodles ya dummy.

Interviewing Skills

I feel as though i learned a great deal from this guy's interviewing skills. He really shows what his "special skills" are. Follow the link below to see what I'm talking about

This guy is sure to get hired

Monday, October 4

DJ got us fallin in love lipsync

Ya know, I often wonder what people are thinking when they decide to post videos of themselves on YouTube. And just think about the job some YouTube employees have. There are people that have to watch every single video that people post to ensure it is proper content. Below is your perfect example of some of that pain these people endure. He sure has me fallin' in love.

Wednesday, September 29

Scott Van Pelt Flips on Kenny Mayne

Dan Marino Freak-out

He was on a bye-week by the way...

Joe Namath wants to kiss you

Fast forward into about half-way through for the good part.

Tuesday, September 28

Dave Chappelle - Weed

5 Buck Box

5 buck box. It rocks, it rocks. Well, now it actually does rock that Charles Barkley is not the spokesperson. Five bucks for a drink (preferably Mt. Dew) the chicken flatbread sandwich, burrito supreme, taco supreme, and cinnamon twists. Just make sure u dip the twists in some cheese. Everything is better with cheese. Everything.

Hereafter Trailer

Matt Damon in a psychological thriller, the recipe for potential.

Monday, September 27

Monday, March 29

Knight and Day: Official Trailer

C'mon Tom Cruise as a badass?

fat + dumb =

George Lopez... Two thumbs down

There is something about hearing "Lopez Tonight" that makes me immediately grab for the remote and change the channel. I hope it gets canceled immediately. Here's a list of things on TV that are more bearable than Lopez Tonight:

Women's Basketball
General Hospital
Professional Bowling
Charles Barkley's golf swing

Legalization of pot in Cali from the eyes of a Judge

This Judge is the man. If only everyone were this liberal. People are going to do things whether you make them legal or illegal. The only difference is just the amount of money the government wants to spend on making it illegal and locking people up for it. Lets spend marijuana tax money on health care. Shazam, problem solved.

Iphone to Verizon...

Hopefully sometime this summer the iPhone will come to Verizon

Wednesday, March 24

Hi there!

Photoshop is a fantasitc invention... click through for more ridiculous pictures

Iraqi Speed Bumps

Murder Burger

I dont know if i want to work at this place or not...

No coke? snort a cat!

Now why didnt this shit every happen to me?

Some cool photos

Click through for some stunning photographs

Sunday, March 21

The Onion always tells it like it is

"Houseguest Just Going To Lie There Until Rest Of House Wakes Up" (click picture for article)

Mitch Hedberg was a funny man

Click the Pic of good ol Mitch to find a whole nasty mess of Mitch Hedberg jokes. Some delightfully sarcastic observational humor.

Google Suggestions

Google is always trying to figure out what im thinking... like "Do babies poop in the womb?"

click to see the world abuse google

Dumb Drivers

I know the weather is really crappy out, but I REALLY need to get some hot pockets.

Dihydrogen Monoxide

Click the pic for proof that Americans are just so smart. I wonder if they used a drowning child to make this odd underwater sign...

High ideas

This site is all stoners making funny comments about life and trying to think of good ideas. Example: Accidents

I was driving my 5 yo brother around and thought.
Kids in the back seat cause accidents;
and Accidents in the back seat cause kids.

5 Monkeys

Chatroulette, a revolution of social interaction

If you haven't already tried out chatroulette, you should. (click the pic for the article)