Tuesday, October 12

Jeremy Lynch vs. Cristiano Ronaldo

Some sick juggling moves

Sand Art

This woman is unworldly talented. She must have been a boss in the sandbox back in the day. If you haven't seen this before, you must.

Guy Avoids Bus

PlayStation 3

This new PlayStation 3 technology is insane... and their advertising campaign is even better.

Wednesday, October 6

Weak Clothes Jokes

Banned Commercial

It's about noodles ya dummy.

Interviewing Skills

I feel as though i learned a great deal from this guy's interviewing skills. He really shows what his "special skills" are. Follow the link below to see what I'm talking about

This guy is sure to get hired

Monday, October 4

DJ got us fallin in love lipsync

Ya know, I often wonder what people are thinking when they decide to post videos of themselves on YouTube. And just think about the job some YouTube employees have. There are people that have to watch every single video that people post to ensure it is proper content. Below is your perfect example of some of that pain these people endure. He sure has me fallin' in love.